I didn't mean to post that fragment of my post. it's a habit to hit control enter after finishing a thought. So i guess that I have to go find a surge protector that doen't think too much to use while I'm in Anniston. I hope that the wiring in my dorm room is considered ok by my surge protector. If it isn't then I won't be too suprised. Alabama isn't known for its high quality accomidations. At least I get to look at it. It is pretty
Thursday, December 19, 2002
I got my computer today. But I can't even plug it in because the wiring in this house is so old that my surge protector days that it's faulty
Wednesday, December 18, 2002
Tuesday, December 17, 2002
One time when I was a walkin' down the road I sees a Possum runnin' a craps table in front of Happy Acres old folkses home. So's I ask the possum what he's a doin' there and all he did was play dead. So's I ates 'im.
I finally got my grades in. They are as follows: Military Science(all 3 courses): A+, French 102: A+, History 101: A, Math 110: B-. That makes for a GPA of 3.87 and a very relieved little boy. If it wasn't for stupid math I would have an even higher GPA, but who's complaining. I'm most satisfied with a 3.87. That means more incentive money for me! (exits room performing the booty dance)
Monday, December 16, 2002
If that last post offended anyone I apologize. Just pleeze don't spell like that while you're conversing with me on aim. kewl?
Why do people spell things differently when on aim? Sor example: cool=kewl. That makes a person sound as if they are either extremely dumb or have a speach impediment. just type cool. or ok, that's even easier. It consists of only two letters. I can understand spelling incorrectly for humor; I do that all the time. It may be found all over KRAPOLA SUPREME!!!!!! But things like kewl are just dumb. Kinda like saying "See ya later alligator" and giving two thumbs to a bunch of steriotypical jail monkies just before you drop your soap and immediatly bend over at the waist to retrieve it.
Sunday, December 15, 2002
I am done with all my exams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually, I was done Friday but I've been sleepin' so I haven't been able to update the site. I'm finally getting one of them computers I've heard tale about. It's a Dell Dimension 4550. It has a 2.0 Ghz Pentium 4 processor , 128 DDR SDRAM at 266 MHz, a 15 inch flat panel monitor, 32 MB ATI RAGE ULTRA 4X AGP Video card, 30 GB Ultra ATA/100 hard drive, a NIC card, 40x/10x/40x CD-RW, and all the usual stuff. The sad thing is that I'm happiest I'm getting a computer because I'll be able to play Diablo II again. I'm a nerd. But at least the awesome power of my barbarian consoles me as I cut through the hoards of demons like a hot knife through butter. Soon I shall be able to defeat the Ancients and leave the bitter cold of mount Areat thus delving deep into the realm of Baal and saving my homeland and the world from his evil grasp. Victory shall then be mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!