Friday, August 18, 2006

That's right. I'm actually posting on my blog! I know it's bee a while but I now have internet; and for the evening, some free time. I'm all set up here in Columbus. The apartment complex I moved into is freakin' awesome. It has 6, that's right, 6 pools, I have a "sunporch" which has a minifridge I have stocked with Redstripe (soon Guiness and other slightly less girly beers will be added to the inventory), and I have a functioning wood burning fireplace in my living room. I'm living by myself for the first time in my life and it's a little odd. I can use the can with the door open, I can fall asleep to Cartoon Network and there's nobody to complain about it, and I can pretty much do whatever I want. It's pretty sweet. I'm about to start week four of Infantry BOLC III (prevoiusly known as IOBC or Infantry Officer Basic Course) where I essentially learn how to blow things up and live out in the woods. While I may get tired and grumpy sometimes I'm loving it. I can't wait to get up to North Carolina. I'm thinking about buying a digital camera so I can keep everybody updated with photos of my life here and wherever else I might be. If anybody has any suggestions for some good ones please let me know. As I'm sure you've all noticed I also changed my template. If nobody likes it then I'll try and figure out a way to integrate the puppy and other aspects of the old design into some new superdesign. After I ask Peeg how to since all I know to do with machines it hit them and grunt. It's really odd being on my own. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I'm not a college student anymore and that I have a real job and more responsibilities. This is going to take some getting used to . I';ll close with the promise that I'll update my blog at least monthly while I have internet access. More to follow.