Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Exams suck...especially suck the same in any circumstance.

Sunday, May 04, 2003

I just got back from seeing X2. I would talk about it but words just cannot describe how incredible that movie is. Possibly after contemplating I can come up with at least one word to describe this movie.
pounds...I put about 80 pounds in my pack...not ounds....I did not turn into an Englishman and place dogs in a bag.
Tommorow begins exam week...although I already took my English exam. I hope I did alright...but I got some authors mixed up. I only got 2-3 hours of sleep the night before since I decided it would be a good idea to put off an essay, project, and studying for English off until the day before they were all due. Some freinds and I went on a ruck run during thunderstorms on Friday. good ol' smarty pants Nick put about 80 ounds in his pack and went on a two mile run in torrential rain and hail. When we got back to the dorm we all did push ups and sit ups in the same storm and then did some combatives in the sand pit. It was awesome. The only downer is that the ruck gave my huge blister like sores on my back. They don't feel too good. I'm about to start packing up all of my stuff so that I can take my last exam on Friday at 8 AM and then pack up the car(s) and move back to of opportunity and deadly waste. It won't be that bad really...I'll be able to see all of my freinds from high school and make some money. I'll also be using the hilly terrain to train for Airborne. I can't get out of shape. In fact I want to be in better shape than I'm in right now. I'm tired of making 290's out of 300 on the PT test...I'm ready for the extended scale. All I need to do is pump myself up a little more and I think I can pull it off. Joe and I are going to look at houses again tommorow...I can't wait until next semester. I get to live in a larger space with my brother. it's going to rock the house. I'm going to eat a sandwich and go to see X2. I'll give a review when I get back.