I now have internet access in the dorm room. HUZZAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Now I can tell you all of the boring crap that happens to me daily
Wednesday, January 08, 2003
I love walking into a big lecture hall only to find out that I am in the wrong class and that the class that I am looking for is the next day. My Astronomy professor is very odd. He constantly makes references to The X-Files and the original Star Trek, he also refers to Astronomy 101 as "Our Cosmic Voyage" in a way I would say that heis a bit like the scientist on The SImpsons without all of the screaming. He is soft spoken like the teacher on South Park. I just hope that he doesn't come in one day dressed like Spock and introduces us to his friend Gary who will be taking over for the day while our professor spends the day at a Star Trek convention in EL Paso. This is of course after they have their own "Cosmic Adventure" in the back of Gary's Ford Astro. At least all of my professors seem to be nice so far, even if they are very odd. Let's hope my History 102 teacher and the person in charge of my Astronomy lab don't break that mold.