Friday, March 26, 2004

I have something to add to my post from Wednesday. When I was trying to exit the Aquatic Center parking lot (which is a one lane one way exit!) some explicativehole behind me started laying on his horn. As I exited I informed him on just how much I appreciated him stealing oxygen from more deserving people by flicking him off for a really long time. The jerk then decided to follow me and at the closest traffic light he asked me if I flicked him off. I told him yes. He then told me that it is a "two lane exit" out of the Aquatic Center. I think that all the steriods this guy took not only shrivled his penis like a rasin, but it also destroyed what was left of his brain. I drive by the Aquatic Center every day on my way to and from class. After this incident with the dickless wonder I inspected the exit. There is one big white line at the end of it with an arrow pointing straight, thus indicating one lane. In light of this I am going to make it a point to go to the Aquatic Center as much as possible so that I can see this guy again. I then plan to show him the exit and inform him that the lack of a dividing line and two arrows pointing in opposite directions indicates that the exit is in fact a one lane exit. I'm still debating on whether or not I should do other things to piss him off too. I really can't stand people like that, and I enjoy doing whatever possible to make them miserable.


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