Thursday, September 09, 2004

I set the corn on fire. That's right. I was reheating some corn on the cob that Joe and I had left over from grilling out. I thought it would be a good idea to heat the corn up in the toaster oven. After about a minute I decided that it was taking way too long for the corn to reheat so I turned the temperature up all the way to 500 degrees (Farenheit... or however you spell it). The husks, which I wisely left on, commenced to the burning. I even heard the corn catch on fire. After about two seconds of marveling at the flames dancing around the brushed stainless steel belly of our toaster oven I remembered that fires in electrical devices aren't a good thing. I then did the logical thing and tried to blow out the flames...this simply made them larger. It was at this point (when I was about to put water on the fire) that Joe reminded me that electricity and water makes more fire. He then proceeded to blow on the flames as well. The thought then struck us to unplug the appliance. We waited a few more seconds looking at the growing flames and smoke when I remembered something that I learned from watching "Hercules" on the WB: cutting off the oxygen to a fire extinguishes it. I closed the door to the toaster oven and the fire began to die down. I took off the smoldering husks and heated the corn in the microwave (the same one that I had charred a cookie in the other day) and we enjoyed smoked corn on the cob. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...corn......


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